Monday, 16 November 2015

Book releases for Christmas

Aldeburgh Book Shop shares their literary Christmas present recommendations with the EADT

So much for a Book Mecca, huh?
About six months between posts, I'm setting a record.

Before I start properly I just wanted to say that my thoughts are with all the people effected by the atrocities in Paris.
I wasn't sure whether to write this post, it seems so petty and unimportant in the face of such life-changing events. But carrying on with our lives is one of the best ways to stand up against these people. I'm not saying posting on a tiny blog is somehow going to bring down terror, but by continuing to do what we love we are showing defiance and living must go on.

Anyway, I have to post this today as it's in connection with the Christmas supplement that appears in today's East Anglian Daily Times newspaper.

Myself and my colleagues have been working on the supplement for the last few weeks and it's full of everything festive, from recipes and events, to fashion pages and gift guides.

One of the pieces that I put together was the book page. It sees a local book shop provide its top recommendations for reads for Christmas. This year John from Aldeburgh Book Shop provided his top picks.

He really covered all bases with his choices, appealing to all tastes and he even got a local author in there too. He provides excellent descriptions and I for one have put most of them on my Christmas list.
I'm not going to post them all here as there's still time for you to go and buy your copy of the EADT and read the article...
but here's the local one: Love is my Favourite Thing by (Aldeburgh based) Emma Chichester Clark.

It features Plum, her dog, who became famous on her blog and was previously featured in Chichester Clark's book Plumdog. The new release has lovely illustrations: "We particularly like the illustration of Plum destroying a feather cushion," said John.

Go and buy a copy, there's still time, just!

Thursday, 9 April 2015

Becoming a Book Mecca

More than just me...

I've decided to make a bit more effort with this blog and to include, not just information about what I'm doing, but information on all things books and writing. This will hopefully inspire me to write this a bit more and make this blog a little less narcissistic!

I'll start off this new venture with a lovely-looking new children's book from V&A Publishing, Wendy and the Wallpaper Cat written by Jason Hook.

Wendy and the Wallpaper Cat - Victoria Richman Writing

This caught my eye, not just because of the illustrations, but because it's written by the author of Where's the Dragon which is a lovely book that adds a fresh new look to the traditional dragon tales.

Where's the Dragon? - Victoria Richman Writing

I haven't actually read Wendy and the Wallpaper Cat yet so can't comment on the writing but the description sounds great and V&A books tend to be high quality.
I know I shouldn't judge a book by its cover but children's books are a little bit different. Plus, Wendy and the Wallpaper Cat has such a beautiful cover that it's hard not to judge.
The book is inspired by the work of Walter Crane, a 19th century artist who illustrated children's books and was particularly famous for his wallpaper, which had a fairy-tale, surreal feel.

Swan Rush and Iris by Walter Crane - Victoria Richman Writing
Swan Rush and Iris by Walter Crane

Macaw by Walter Crane - Victoria Richman Writing
Macaw by Walter Crane

Illustrator Ilaria Demonti takes on this influence in the book.

Wendy and the Wallpaper Cat - Victoria Richman Writing

Wendy and the Wallpaper Cat - Victoria Richman Writing

I'll let you know what it's like when I've had a read, yes I'm going to read it even though I don't have kids, I like children's books.

In a brief lapse back to it being all about me, I'm currently working on the second Halesworth Our Town supplement for the East Anglian Daily Times newspaper. It's out on Tuesday so pick up the paper for a look.

Monday, 12 January 2015

Writing Weddings - Bride Magazine

Bride magazine

Suffolk and Norfolk brides listen up, Bride magazine is out now and it's pretty damn good, and I'm not just saying that because I've written some of it.

It's produced by Archant, who I write a lot for, and is available in Suffolk and Norfolk at most supermarkets and newsagents. As a bride-to-be myself I know that some local wedding magazines can be a bit...crap, to be honest, but this one isn't. Not only is it lovely and glossy, and designed beautifully by the Archant Norwich team, but it covers pretty much everything to do with weddings and wedding planning. I wrote articles on stationary, hair, makeup, marquees and transport, and that's only a small part. There are lots of real brides inside as well as lots of vendors, I've been noting down a few of my favourites as I've been writing.

Although this was a lot of work I had great fun writing for Bride, I'm sure in part because now that I'm engaged it's actually relevant to me, but also because it's a lovely subject and I got to meet and talk to a lot of different, talented people.

 Here are a few excerpts from the magazine.

Wedding transport - Bride magazine