Wednesday, 30 July 2014

Writing about the Big Subjects: Female Pubic Hair

Writing about the Big Subjects: Female Pubic Hair - Carrie Bradshaw

If you're related to me or of a particularly sensitive constitution, please stop reading.

I wanted to update you some on some work I've been doing for online and e-magazine Raw Attraction. This is a nice change for me as instead of writing about crafts, health or children's clothes, I've mainly been writing about pubic hair.

It all started with Cameron Diaz; she released The Body Book in which she sung the praises of pubic hair and this led me to write an article about female pubic hair for Raw Attraction which is named Is Bush Back? (I'm pretty damn proud of that title) It explores how pubic hair has gone from large 70s bush to bald Brazilian and how the trend is now something in between.

Here's the first page of the article.

Raw Attraction Magazine - Is Bush Back?

In the process of writing this article I asked a couple of experts for comment. One of them is A-list beautician and make-up artist Gemma Aldous who's let me know what her clients expect from a bikini wax.

Writing about the Big Subjects: Female Pubic Hair - Beautician Gemma Aldous

To get the male point of view I asked porn star Tyler Knight, an expert indeed. By the way, his view is that "real men aren't afraid to get hair in their teeth."

Writing about the Big Subjects: Female Pubic Hair - Porn Star Tyler Knight

I loved writing this article and I have a couple more coming up with the magazine.

This article is in the latest issue of Raw Attraction which is available here.

By the way, they've called me Elizabeth in the article. This is because they thought I'd be embarrassed to use my own name, but, hell, who cares? They've also said that 'Elizabeth' likes to cook and "make love on the kitchen table," which shows how little they know me. I don't have a kitchen table.

I'll update some more soon. Keep in touch.

Plus, if you have any strong opinions on pubic hair please let me know.

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